Friday, 30 March 2012

Making Amends To My Skin - My Story

Dear Skin,
I realize that I have been cursing you, beating you up and neglecting you for far too long now.  I am ready to make a change.  Ready to start acknowledging you for everything you do for me.

I guess it started when we got pregnant and you started itching.  

179 lbs 2000

I was annoyed with you then, not realizing that you were being stretched passed the point of comfort for you and instead of loving you and nurturing you, I just got mad and annoyed.  Then after we had the baby, I was mad at you for being stretched out.  I wanted you to "Snap! Snap! Go back to normal, tighten up!  Come on on hurry up!"  And you did.  With not ONE stretch mark on my belly.  
I did have stretch marks on my hips but they were so light, I could barely even see them.  
You did one helluva job!  
I never thanked you for that and I am so sorry.

117 lbs 2000

All i ever do is find what's WRONG with you and never praise you for your amazing ability to stretch and snap back, and then stretch again... when I gained my weight in 2007, 
7 years after having Journey and blew up to 168 lbs.  

168 lbs 2007

155 lbs after doing Weight Watchers - October 2010

There you were again, stretching for me, riding with me, no matter how big I became, or how much I yo yo'd, you were there.  You never complained, you just silently adjusted.  As i shoveled more ice cream down my face, you silently obliged to whatever size I brought us to. 
Through all the ups and downs, you were still there. 

August 2011 - 144 lbs - March 2012 - 119 lbs

And now that we are the smallest and most fit we've EVER been, here you are again, still. 
Current March 2012 119 lbs

Yes, a little stretched out and less elastic than when we were in our 20's, but you still look good girl!  Your stretchiness leaves me the room to have another baby if I want to!  
And you are elastic enough not to hang when I stand up straight.  
I LOVE that about you! lol. 

No one believes me, as they stare at my face in surprise when I mention how old we are.  

I sit in the sun way too much without protecting you and you never complain.  
When the winter winds blow on us, you just sit there, firm and shiny, clear and bold.  
I love every bit of you from the bottom of my feet, to the backs of my thighs.. 
speaking of that, when I said I wanted to get rid of my cellulite naturally, 
you went along with it and assisted me in that mission.  
Mission accomplished.  

November 2011

December 2011

I couldn't have done ANY of this without your willingness and flexibility.  
I am SO SORRY for all the times I have cursed you, NEGLECTED you, 
complained about you, put my head down and disagreed when someone complimented you. 

March 2012

From now on I will praise you, appreciate you and say, "Thank you, it's true!"  when someone compliments you!  You have always been there for me, my longest "long term" relationship and i realize now I have been abusive and unappreciative for far too long.  I am done being mean to you, done beating you up, done being the abusive personality inside the body, only seeing what's wrong.  
I see you as perfect, expansive, beautiful, glowing, shining, flexible, 
agreeable, amazing, strong, bold, and fierce and i PROMISE 
to take better care of you from today forward. 

I am so sorry for everything I have done and I want to make it up to you.  
What can I do to make it right?

JeniFu - the one inside.

Monday, 26 March 2012

After Weight Loss, Still Feeling Fat? & Comments From Others

If you've recently lost weight or are currently losing I'm sure you've heard enough comments from friends and family, (some stemming from their own insecurities or sabotaging nature, 
and some coming from their genuine concern for your well being) ranging from, 
"Girl, you need to eat a sandwich.", "Just don't lose that ass girl."
to my favorite, which came from my brother, 
"You look like you just got outta camp."  
Me, "Bootcamp?"  
Him, "No concentration camp.  You should eat."

As long as I focus on what's important to me, what i like about my body, what i want to work on, what i want to tighten, how comfortable i feel in my clothes, how comfy i feel in my own skin, I am golden. 
I really don't give a care what others think, yet I have my go to's who keep it real with me 
and i also know who the one's are who think i look great at any size and will never say, 
"you look too big" or "you look too small"... 
like my bestie, she's always like, "I think you look good at any weight you've ever been." 
and I'm like... "oh honey, you love me so much!"  

So i like to take pics and measure myself because it gives me a good perspective OUTSIDE of myself. You don't hafta share the pics but taking them so I can get outside of myself has been SUPER helpful for me to gain perspective. 
Also measuring and checking how my skinny jeans fit!  

I also happen to have a great relationship with my scale.  
I feel my scale is the ONLY one who keeps it a'hundred with me!  She tells me like it is.  
And that doesn't mean it's not water retention, or water weight lost, it just means, at this exact moment in time, 
your body weighs "this much".  No biggie, just a gauge.  
A scale is a tool, just like a fat caliber, a measuring tape, a mirror, a photo or a pair of skinny jeans.  

When a big person loses weight, it takes time for our MIND to catch up with our BODY.  
Allow yourself that time.  Know that you may "feel fat" for MONTHS after you've dropped the weight.  
You're not CRAZY, well, you are kinda, but we ALL ARE.  

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Kissable Xoxo Abs Challenge

xo abs

xo abs

5 days a week 9-14 mins.
Time yourself!

COMBO #1. Jump Squat Push Ups: Includes two regular Jump Squats, One high knee jump squat, 
plank, 2 fast push ups, jump squat to start again. 15 of these.

COMBO #2. Crab Kicks 10 kicks. Flip over do 10 Mountain Climber Jumps. 6 sets of these

COMBO #3 One legged downward dog push ups - 10 pushups. Jump standing leg forward to meet hands, stand up and do 10 one legged squat jumps. 4 sets right leg, 4 sets left leg.

COMBO #4 Start in crab holding core tight, flip over do 1 one legged push ups. Flip back to crab, flip over to other side do 1 one legged push up. Flip over and do other side and so on. 20 total.  

This workout should take you around 9-14 minutes. 
I typically burn around 150 calories and it takes me between 9 and 10 minutes to complete it.  
And I drip sweat for 15 minutes after and my after burn is CRAZY!!  
Have fun!! 
Friend me on facebook at or comment here 
and let me know how the challenge is going for you! 

Absolutely Effortless Fitness

"Hard work, discipline, focus, determination, commitment and passion" is the new "effortless".  

Absolutely Effortless Fitness