Sunday, 25 March 2012

Kissable Xoxo Abs Challenge

xo abs

xo abs

5 days a week 9-14 mins.
Time yourself!

COMBO #1. Jump Squat Push Ups: Includes two regular Jump Squats, One high knee jump squat, 
plank, 2 fast push ups, jump squat to start again. 15 of these.

COMBO #2. Crab Kicks 10 kicks. Flip over do 10 Mountain Climber Jumps. 6 sets of these

COMBO #3 One legged downward dog push ups - 10 pushups. Jump standing leg forward to meet hands, stand up and do 10 one legged squat jumps. 4 sets right leg, 4 sets left leg.

COMBO #4 Start in crab holding core tight, flip over do 1 one legged push ups. Flip back to crab, flip over to other side do 1 one legged push up. Flip over and do other side and so on. 20 total.  

This workout should take you around 9-14 minutes. 
I typically burn around 150 calories and it takes me between 9 and 10 minutes to complete it.  
And I drip sweat for 15 minutes after and my after burn is CRAZY!!  
Have fun!! 
Friend me on facebook at or comment here 
and let me know how the challenge is going for you! 


  1. I Jeni,
    I befriended you on Facebook and I've been a Bodyrocker for a year now, but my weight hasn't gone down. But i know it's my fault, not anyone else's.
    Seeing you do what you did, I felt that much stronger in my needs and intentions.
    I'll be posting comments with my evolution with the workouts and with food, which I'll be writting on your other blog.
    Just hoping you'll be coaching me from afar, since I live in Portugal and will soon be moving to Africa...
    Thank you for being a model for my change!
    Patricia Grade

  2. maybe a video of how to do these cuz i dont know all the terms. I mean I have heard of them, but i dont know what they are. This sounds like a challenge but Id rather "suffer" for 9 minutes than be uncomfortable all day.
